Australia, Japan, Korea, Singapore

Fleur has more than two decades experience in foreign policy, international development, and global partnerships leadership roles.  As Assistant Secretary of DFAT’s Multilateral Health Branch, she leads Australia’s efforts to strengthen global health architecture, and is responsible for partnerships with WHO, Global Fund, Gavi, UNAIDS and the Pandemic Fund. Fleur is Australia’s representative on the Pandemic Fund Governing Board, as an alternate member of the Japan-Korea-Australia-Singapore Constituency. Fleur has been Australia’s representative on the Board since May 2023.

Canada, Norway, United Kingdom

Kristen Chenier is the Director of Policy, Infectious Diseases and Pandemic Preparedness within Global Affairs Canada’s Health and Nutrition Bureau. She leads Global Affairs’ policy engagement in global health fora including the WHO, G20, and G7 and is responsible for GAC’s investments and engagement in combatting infectious diseases, as well as pandemic preparedness. 

Financing Pandemic Preparedness: The Urgency for Collective Action

Financing Pandemic Preparedness: The Urgency for Collective Action

  • When September 19, 2023
  • Time 17:45 - 19:00 New York (ET)
  • Where New York, United States of America


Taking place on the eve of the High-Level Meeting on Pandemic Preparedness, Prevention and Response (HLM on PPPR), this event will mark the Fund’s achievements in its first year, while underscoring the need to maintain the momentum and the urgency to scale up pandemic PPR investments in low- and middle-income countries.


00:00 Welcome by Priya Basu, Executive Head, the Pandemic Fund Secretariat, World Bank

01:20 Remarks by Ajay Banga, President of the World Bank

05:47 Remarks by Janet Yellen, United States Secretary of the Treasury

13:45 Remarks by Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director General, WHO

18:25 Ministerial roundtable

  • Ala Nemerenco | Minister of Health, Moldova 
  • Nisia Trindade | Minister of Health, Brazil
  • Lyonpo Dechen Wangmo | Minister of Health, Bhutan 

36:01 Remarks by Erica Gerretsen, Director of Human Development, Migration, Governance & Peace, DG International Partnerships, EU Commission

40:20 Panel discussion: Leveraging partnerships to strengthen pandemic preparedness and response

  • Sabin Nsanzimana | Minister of Health, Rwanda & Co-Chair of the Pandemic Fund Governing Board 
  • Frank Anthony | Minister of Health, Guyana 
  • Svenja Schulze | Federal Minister for Economic Cooperation and Development, Germany 
  • Budi Gunadi Sadikin | Minister of Health Indonesia
  • Joy Phumaphi | Former Minister of Health of Botswana & Co-Chair of the Global Preparedness Monitoring Board

1:07:33 Interventions from the floor

  • Chrysoula Zacharopoulou | Minister of State for Development, Francophonie and International Partnerships
  • Zahid Maleque | Minister of Health and Family Welfare, Bangladesh
  • HJamoliddin Abdullozoda | Minister of Health and Social Protection of Population, Tajikistan 
  • Beth Dunford | Vice President of Agriculture, Human and Social Development, African Development Bank
  • Danny Alexander | Vice President for Policy and Strategy, Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank 
  • Elisha Dunn-Georgiou | President & CEO, Global Health Council & The Pandemic Fund Board Member

1:25:35 Closing remarks by Priya Basu, Executive Head of the Pandemic Fund Secretariat, World Bank

Global North

Elisha Dunn-Georgiou is Global Health Council’s President and CEO. Elisha is a lifelong advocate with a passion for improving the health and well-being of vulnerable populations in the U.S. and globally. She has spent more than 20 years advancing political will and increasing resources for policies and programs to improve the health of communities worldwide. As an executive leader, Elisha has a demonstrated track record in strategic planning, program design, advocacy, and new business development.


Mai Farid is the Acting CEO of the Universal Health Insurance Authority, and the Associate Minister of Finance for Economic Justice. She also acts the Universal Health Insurance System (UHIS) Project Management Unit Manager where she leads the UHIS projects with the development partners. She is also assigned as Subject Matter Expert for Social Protection, and for Universal Health Insurance. Ms. Mai is responsible for developing a strategic framework for the Social Protection and Subsidy reform programs that ensure the social and financial impact of implementing these policies.


Dr. Samant Lal Sen is a pioneer in the treatment of Burns and Plastic Surgery in Bangladesh who is currently serving as the Minister, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare. Previously was the National Chief Coordinator of Burns and Plastic Surgery in Bangladesh and coordinator of the world’s largest Sheikh Hasina National Institute of Burn and Plastic Surgery.

Gates Foundation, Rockefeller Foundation, Wellcome Trust

Kieran oversees the foundations engagements with and collaboration amongst the Global Health Agencies (WHO & UNICEF) and Funds (Global Fund, GFF, LLF, UNITAID, WB Anchor Trust Fund, Pandemic Fund), including on issues such as product access, health systems strengthening, and pandemic preparedness.   His role includes acting as the Board/governance member representing Private Foundations for the Global Fund, GFF, UNITAID and Pandemic Fund.