Call for Proposals

The Pandemic Fund announced its third Call for Proposals (3rd CfP) on December 19, 2024, with an envelope of US$500 million.  Interested eligible countries, Regional Entities, and Implementing Entities will be able to submit proposals through an online portal starting in March 2025. 

Recognizing the high demand for funding demonstrated in the first and second CfP, the 3rd CfP continues to prioritize high-impact investments in: 1) early warning and disease surveillance systems, 2) laboratory systems, and 3) strengthening human resources/public health and community workforce capacity, including workforce capacity related to human and animal health. Financing is intended for projects that will help strengthen core capacities in one or more of these three priority areas, which present the promise of generating a visible impact in terms of prevention and preparedness to effectively detect and respond to disease outbreaks.

Further, in line with the Pandemic Fund’s medium-term Strategic Plan additional emphasis will be placed on strengthening  two cross-cutting enablers, National Public Health Institutes (or relevant public institutions) and regional/global networks, organizations, or hubs aimed at bolstering the institutional foundations that support information sharing, coordination across public health and One Health systems, and rapid action. To ensure that these investments are truly inclusive, proposals are encouraged to integrate four underlying themes: One Health, community engagement, gender equality, and health equity.

The 3rd CfP will be launched in two distinct phases. The first phase will open in March 2025, and it will be only for the submission of single and multi-country proposals. The second phase will open in June 2025, and will be for Regional Entity proposals. 

Types of proposals accepted under Phase-I of the 3rd CfP:

  • Single-country proposal:  This is a proposal submitted by one eligible country along with one or more approved IEs, where the activities of the proposal will occur in and benefit those at the national or sub-national level of the applying country.
  • Multi-country proposal:  This is a proposal submitted by two or more eligible countries along with one or more approved IEs, where the activities of the proposal will occur in and benefit those at the national or sub-national level of each of the applying countries.  A proposal from multiple countries in the same region would also be considered as a “multi-country proposal” and not a Regional Entity proposal.

The 39 countries [1] that were awarded single-country grants under the first and second CfP are not eligible to receive single-country grants under the 3rd CfP.  However, these countries may be included in only one “multi-country” or “Regional Entity” proposal.  Countries that were part of successful multi-country grants and/or covered under successful Regional Entity proposals in the first and second CfP are eligible to apply for both single-country and one multi-country or Regional Entity grant in the 3rd CfP. 

Under the 3rd CfP, single country proposals may only be submitted by an eligible country.  Multi-country proposals can be submitted by two or more eligible countries or one IE.  Regional Entity proposals can only be submitted by a Regional Entity or one IE.  Furthermore, all submitted proposals must adhere to the individual grant ceiling, set at US$25 million for single country proposals and US$40 million for multi-country and Regional Entity proposals. 

Unsuccessful applicants from the first and/or second CfP are encouraged to re-apply during this CfP. It is recommended that applicants review the feedback provided to them on their previous submission before re-applying, and ensure their proposal reflects the considerations in the Guidance Note (currently being updated), as well as information provided in the Scoring and Weighting Methodology (currently being updated).

[1] The countries that are not eligible for a single country grant are Bhutan, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cabo Verde, Cambodia, Chad, Democratic Republic of Congo, Egypt, Ethiopia, Fiji, Ghana, Georgia, Guyana, Honduras, India, Indonesia, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Lebanon, Moldova, Mongolia, Nepal, Nicaragua, Pakistan, Paraguay, Philippines, Rwanda, Samoa, Sierra Leone, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Suriname, Tanzania, Togo, Trinidad and Tobago, Tunisia, West Bank and Gaza, Yemen and Zambia.

  • December 19, 2024:
    3rd Call for Proposals announced
  • Mid-March 2025 (exact date to be determined):
    Application package to be published (Guidance Note, Application Template, and Scoring and Weighting Methodology) and application portal opened
  • June 6,2025
    Applications due on the application portal
  • July—October 2025:
    Review of eligible proposals by the Technical Advisory Panel based on the Scoring and Weighting Methodology (currently being updated)
  • November 2025 (exact date to be determined):
    Review of eligible proposals by the Governing Board for funding allocation. Announcement of proposals selected for funding
REGIONAL ENTITY PROPOSALS - eligibility will be announced in June
  • Mid-June, 2025 (exact date to be determined):
    Application package to be published (Guidance Note, Application Template, and Scoring and Weighting Methodology) and application portal opened
  • Late August 2025 (exact date to be determined):
    Applications due on the application portal
  • September—October 2025:
    Review of eligible proposals by the Technical Advisory Panel based on the Scoring and Weighting Methodology (currently being updated)
  • November 2025 (exact date to be determined):
    Review of eligible proposals by the Governing Board for funding allocation. Announcement of proposals selected for funding  

Call for Proposals — Guidance Note (currently being updated)
*For details on eligibility and other requirements, please refer to the Guidance Note once it is published

Call for Proposals — Application Template for single and multi-country proposals (subject to modifications)

Call for Proposals — Application Template for Regional Entity proposals (currently being - subject to modifications)
The application must be submitted in English using the online application portal, but PDF versions in French and Spanish will be provided for your convenience.

Call for Proposals — Scoring and Weighting Methodology (currently being updated)

Call for Proposals — Monitoring & Evaluation Guidelines (draft)
French / Français
Spanish / Español

Call for Proposals — Project-level Results Framework template (currently being updated)
*For details on the Project-level results framework, please refer to the document once it is published

Call for Proposals — Indicator Menu (currently being updated)

Results Framework (subject to modifications)

Guiding Principles for Co-financing, Co-investment, and Country Ownership (currently being updated)


The Pandemic Fund will hold multiple information sessions (dates to be determined) on the application requirements and on completing the Monitoring and Evaluation Section.   

Please follow us on X (Twitter) @Pandemic_Fund and LinkedIn for the most up-to-date information. 


The Funding Proposal Template should be completed on the Pandemic Fund’s application portal, which will open in March 2025, for single and multi-country proposals, and in June 2025, for Regional Entity proposals. Tutorial videos as well as other supporting material will be published on our website ahead of the Call for Proposals launches.


Proposals, including all accompanying documentation, should be submitted in English. The Pandemic Fund encourages countries to seek assistance from the IE, if required, to secure translation of proposals into English.


To participate in this Call for Proposals, the World Bank will collect personal details pertaining to name, business email, business phone, business address, and signature. This data will be destroyed 3 years after the end of the completion of the selection process, except for the selected proposals, where information associated with the applicants’ names may be published by the World Bank and kept for longer. The World Bank may also collect additional information which will be used to produce statistics and aggregated analysis, but such information will be kept in an anonymized format. The World Bank will process your details in accordance with the Guidance Note (currently being updated) and with the Privacy Notice for the World Bank webpages. By submitting a proposal, you agree to the World Bank’s use of your proposal details and processing of your personal data as part of the application process. The World Bank may also publish the applicant’s name in the official page of the Call for Proposals. 


All countries and territories that are eligible to receive financing from the International Development Association (IDA) and the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) are eligible to apply for project funding from the Pandemic Fund (Eligible Countries). As noted above, for this 3rd CfP, the 39 countries that received single-country grants under the first two CfPs are not eligible to receive a single-country grant.

The definition of Regional Entities is currently being updated and will be shared ahead of the official opening of the portal for Regional Entity proposals in June 2025.  


The Pandemic Fund currently channels its financing to support project implementation through Implementing Entities that have been approved to date by the Board. Each proposal must identify at least one Implementing Entity from among the thirteen currently approved Implementing Entities (IEs): African Development Bank; Asian Development Bank; Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank; European Investment Bank; Inter-American Development Bank; International Finance Corporation; World Bank; Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations; UNICEF; World Health Organization; the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations; Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance; and the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria. 


Pandemic Fund expects  that further rounds of funding will likely be launched in late 2025, subject to available resources and alignment with the Fund’s Strategic Plan.