Implementing Entities

The Pandemic Fund channels its financing through Implementing Entities that have been approved to date by the Board to support project implementation. Each proposal for funding must identify at least one Implementing Entity from among the thirteen currently approved Implementing Entities:

African Development Bank Group; Asian Development Bank; Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank; European Investment Bank; Inter-American Development Bank; International Finance Corporation; World Bank; Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations; UNICEF; World Health Organization; the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI); Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance; and the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria.

Organizations that are interested in becoming an Implementing Entity (IE) for the Pandemic Fund are encouraged to first review the IE Accreditation Framework, which outlines the eligibility requirements along with standards, criteria and safeguards capacity that IEs must be able to demonstrate in order to be accredited.

Upon review of the Accreditation Framework, organizations interested in starting the accreditation process should email Pandemic Fund Accreditation at to express their intention to apply for the Stage-1 Application Questionnaire: Fit-for-Purpose. Access to the portal will then be provided to the applicant for submitting the questionnaire and associated documents online.

Upon review of the Stage-1 application and completion of the Panel’s fit-for-purpose assessment, the Panel will report to the Governing Board. If the Governing Board approves the Stage-1 application, the applicant organization will then be invited to submit a Stage-2 Application Questionnaire: Standards and Related Criteria Assessment to the Panel.

Applications to become an Implementing Entity will be accepted on a rolling basis.