Technical Advisory Panel

The Technical Advisory Panel (TAP) provides technical advice to the Pandemic Fund's Governing Board. The TAP supports the Pandemic Fund with its goal of financing projects and activities that help strengthen capacity building and implementation of pandemic prevention, preparedness, and response (PPR) under International Health Regulations (IHR) (2005) and other internationally endorsed legal frameworks, consistent with a One Health approach.

The key functions of TAP are to:

  • Ensure that the Governing Board is kept apprised of the latest knowledge and developments related to PPR, including the status of PPR capacity at country, regional and global levels, emerging lessons and priorities, and significant developments in the areas of broader PPR governance and oversight.
  • Advise the Governing Board on funding priorities and critical gaps in pandemic PPR, as well as on funding allocation decisions, by providing analysis and evidence-based recommendations, based on an evaluation of individual funding proposals submitted to the Pandemic Fund through the Call for Proposals process. 

The TAP comprises of a core group of 21 multidisciplinary experts and is chaired by Dr. Chikwe Ihekweazu, Assistant Director-General, WHO.  Dr. Joy St. John as Vice-Chair.  TAP members bring a diverse range of technical and financial expertise relevant to the Pandemic Fund-supported projects and activities. The experts reflect the Pandemic Fund's commitment to achieving an adequate mix of technical expertise, geographical representation, and gender balance.

TAP Leadership and TAP members are subject to the Pandemic Fund’s Conflict of Interest Framework and policies as set forth in the Operations Manual. TAP experts were selected through a competitive process, serve for a period of 2 years, and are eligible for reappointment for a maximum of two consecutive terms. The TAP’s roles and responsibilities are set out in paragraph 21 of the Governance Framework and in the Terms and Reference for the TAP.  For further details, please see the Terms of Reference for the TAP.

Man wearing glasses, wearing a black suit and blue tie, stand in front of a black background Chikwe Ihekweazu TAP Chair Bio
Woman with short hair, wearing a pink dress and glasses, smiles into the camera. She stands in front of a bush with bright yellow flowers Joy St. John TAP Vice-Chair Bio
Alisha Aalisha Sahukhan TAP Expert Bio
Woman with long dark hair smiles into the camera Alice Abou-Nader TAP Expert Bio
Man wearing black glasses and a dark suit smiles into the camera Bach Tran TAP Expert Bio
CHRISTIAN DROSTEN Christian Drosten TAP Expert Bio
Daniela Belen Garone Daniela Belen Garone TAP Expert Bio
Man wearing a blue suit with a white shirt and red tie smiles into the camera Eamon Raith TAP Expert Bio
Man with a light moustache smiles into the camera, wearing red shirt and blue jacket Frank Konings TAP Expert Bio
Man with a short beard, wearing a red t-shirt, smiles into the camera Gavin Surgey TAP Expert Bio
Black and white image, a man wearing glasses with light, short hair stares into the camera Jonathan Suk TAP Expert Bio
Justice Nonvignon Justice Nonvignon TAP Expert Bio
Kenichi Komada Kenichi Komada TAP Expert Bio
Leo Yee Sin Leo Yee Sin TAP Expert Bio
Maha El Rabbat Maha El Rabbat TAP Expert Bio
Marisa Peyre Marisa Peyre TAP Expert Bio
MARYAM AMOUR Maryam Amour TAP Expert Bio
Mohamed Moussif Mohamed Moussif TAP Expert Bio
Man wearing glasses and a blue suit stares into the camera Nicaise Ndembi TAP Expert Bio
Dr. Olusola Aruna Olusola Aruna TAP Expert Bio
Osman Ahmed Dar Osman Ahmed Dar TAP Expert Bio
Woman wearing a white shirt, blue blazer, and glasses looks into the camera Outi Kuivasniemi TAP Expert Bio
Paritosh Kumar Biswas Paritosh Kumar Biswas TAP Expert Bio
Patrick Osewe Patrick Osewe TAP Expert Bio
Rajeev Sadanandan Rajeev Sadanandan TAP Expert Bio
Rebecca Katz Rebecca Katz TAP Expert Bio
Stefano Vella Stefano Vella TAP Expert Bio
Man wearing a shirt with a traditional pattern on it, and glasses, smiles into the camera Wiku Adisasmito TAP Expert Bio
Ximena Garzon-Villalba Ximena Garzon-Villalba TAP Expert Bio
Xu Ming Xu Ming TAP Expert Bio