
The Pandemic Fund finances critical investments to strengthen pandemic prevention, preparedness, and response capacities at national, regional, and global levels, with a focus on low- and middle-income countries.

The devastating human, economic, and social cost of COVID-19 has highlighted the urgent need for coordinated action to build stronger health systems and mobilize additional resources for pandemic prevention, preparedness, and response. While there are many institutions and financing mechanisms that support pandemic prevention, preparedness, and response activities, none of them is solely focused on it.

The Pandemic Fund brings additional, dedicated resources for pandemic prevention, preparedness, and response to incentivize countries to increase investments, enhance coordination among partners, and serve as a platform for advocacy.

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Who we are

What we do

The Pandemic Fund provides a dedicated stream of additional, long-term financing to strengthen pandemic prevention, preparedness, and response capabilities and address critical gaps in low- and middle-income countries through investments and technical support at the national, regional, and global levels.

The devastating human, economic, and social cost of COVID-19 has highlighted the urgent need for coordinated action to build stronger health systems and mobilize additional resources for pandemic prevention, preparedness, and response. While there are many institutions and financing mechanisms that support pandemic prevention, preparedness, and response activities, none of them is focused solely on it. This means that spending on other immediate needs can take priority over critical pandemic prevention, preparedness, and response investments some of whose return may only materialize in the future.

Woman wearing scrubs and a stethoscope around her shoulders smiles in to the camera


The Pandemic Fund’s founding financial contributors are: Australia, Canada, China, European Commission, Germany, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Republic of Korea, New Zealand, Norway, Singapore, Spain, United Arab Emirates, United States, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Rockefeller Foundation, and Wellcome Trust. The founding donors, joined by Austria, Denmark, France, India, Netherlands, Portugal, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom, have committed over US$2.1 billion in financial contributions to date. The Pandemic Fund continues to raise funds for its work from both sovereign and non-sovereign contributors. 

The Pandemic Fund can receive funding from World Bank member countries, intergovernmental entities, and non-governmental entities such as philanthropies, foundations and the private sector, subject to approval from the Governing Board and the World Bank as its Trustee.

Flag of Australia Australia
Flag of Austria Austria
Flag of Canada Canada
Flag of China China
Flag of Denmark Denmark
Flag of France France
Flag of Germany Germany
Flag of India India
Flag of Indonesia Indonesia
Flag of Italy Italy
Flag of Japan Japan
Flag of the Netherlands Netherlands
Flag of New Zealand New Zealand
Flag of Norway Norway
Portugal Portugal
Flag of the Republic of Korea Republic of Korea
Flag of Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia
Flag of Singapore Singapore
Flag of South Africa South Africa
Flag of Spain Spain
Flag of Switzerland Switzerland
Flag of the United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates
Flag of the United Kingdom United Kingdom
Flag of the United States United States
Flag of European Commission European Commission
The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation logo Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
The Rockefeller Foundation logo The Rockefeller Foundation
The Wellcome Trust logo Wellcome

Our Portfolio

Through its two funding rounds, the Pandemic Fund has awarded grants totaling US$885 million, mobilizing an additional US$6 billion in resources for pandemic prevention, preparedness, and response (PPPR) investments in 75 countries across six geographical regions. A total of 47 projects have received funding to date.

  • 47 Projects
  • 75 Countries
  • $885Million Grants Allocated
  • $3.7Billion Co-Financing
  • $2.4Billion Co-Investment