Statement | April 5, 2024
April 5, 2024
*Issued by the Pandemic Fund Governing Board’s Co-Chairs and Voting Members
Following its 12th Governing Board meeting, the Pandemic Fund Governing Board reiterates its support to reinforce capacity building and implementation of pandemic prevention, preparedness, and response (PPR) under the International Health Regulations (IHR) (2005), and any amendments/enhancements thereof, as well as the Pandemic Agreement currently being negotiated. This is fully in line with the Pandemic Fund’s mandate and Governance Framework.
The Pandemic Fund Governing Board is following the ongoing negotiations in Geneva and encourages progress towards a successful conclusion by May 2024. The Pandemic Fund stands ready to play a strong role in supporting the implementation of the Pandemic Agreement and the core capacities of the IHR and to explore accountability mechanisms with the eventual governing body/ies of those instruments once decided.
The Governing Board is listening carefully to the issues being raised by stakeholders during the negotiations. The Pandemic Fund was established on the principles of equity and inclusivity with equal representation from contributor countries (including contributors from the global south) and co-investor countries from the global south. (1) We are considering options to amplify voice and inclusion, including through enhancing governance to strengthen the participation of co-investor countries, and to bolster transparency and accountability. Building on lessons learned to date, the Pandemic Fund is developing a strategy to guide its medium-term directions. The draft Strategic Plan will go live for public comment in mid-April 2024.
The Pandemic Fund’s mandate is closely aligned with the core capacities of the IHR and potential activities under the Pandemic Agreement, with the WHO as a central partner. The Pandemic Fund is already supporting developing countries and regional bodies in areas related to surveillance, laboratory capacity, workforce, One Health, risk communication, risk management, community engagement anchored in national and regional priorities.
Working in close partnership with relevant global and regional organizations, the Pandemic Fund is demonstrating its capacity to coordinate between international, regional, and domestic agencies and attract additional investment for pandemic PPR. The Pandemic Fund is well positioned to support countries on pandemic PPR financing needs and gaps to inform resource allocation decision making, and support countries in accessing various funding mechanisms and bringing coherence in funding streams.
- https://www.thepandemicfund.org/who-we-are/board
- The Principal for this constituency will rotate, with Japan for the first 12 months, followed by Australia and then Korea for six months, each.
- Representing nine geographical regions, per WHO’s classification.
- Names of Principal and Alternate to be confirmed.
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Last Updated: February 7, 2025