Women in rural village, in traditional and color dresses, two women are holding children in Ethiopia
FAST-TRACKED: Preparedness for Pandemic Response (PREPARE)


In 2024, a new strain of mpox emerged in the Democratic Republic of Congo and quickly spread across international borders, including to many of the member states of the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD): Djibouti, Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia, South Sudan, Sudan, and Uganda. Recognizing the urgent need for action, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared a Public Health Emergency of International Concern. In response, the Pandemic Fund fast-tracked US$128.9 million to support 10 countries impacted by the disease, including a US$35.5 million grant to IGAD and its Preparedness for Pandemic Response (PREPARE) project. The Pandemic Fund grant leveraged an additional US$4.3 million in co-investment for IGAD, which coordinated member state efforts to strengthen public health systems, mitigate transboundary health risks, and enhance pandemic response. The grant also mobilized US$4.2 million in co-financing. The project’s Implementing Entity (IE) is the WHO.

Despite national efforts to strengthen public health, cross-border systems in the IGAD region are often fragmented and under-resourced, increasing the threat of mpox and other outbreaks, such as poliodengue, and yellow fever—particularly due to frequent cross-border movement. The region is home to transnational parks, migratory bird routes, and cultural and economic activities that span multiple countries, as well as many communities displaced by conflict and climate-related disasters. These factors create unique challenges for disease surveillance, coordination, and response, requiring a comprehensive and collaborative approach. To address this, PREPARE focuses both on the immediate mpox response and long-term strengthening of pandemic prevention, preparedness, and response (PPR) capacities across the region. 

The Pandemic Fund’s approach to PPR prioritizes multisectoral collaboration. The PREPARE project brings together a broad coalition of partners. Leading the project are the Ministries of Health from each member state, with involvement from the Ministries of Environment and Ministries of Finance, as well as the WHO. Additional partners include Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), the Directorate General for European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations, as well as national societies of the Red Cross and Red Crescent and the International Federation of the Red Cross.

Project objectives

Through the PREPARE project, the IGAD aims to contain the spread of mpox, minimize the impact of epidemics and pandemics on its member states, and promote global health security by strengthening cross-border systems. 

Implementation arrangements and key components

The PREPARE project aligns with the Pandemic Fund’s priority areas — surveillance, laboratory capacity, and workforce development — while emphasizing the One Health approach to strengthen cross-border capacities. Activities within each key area include: 

  1. Building an effective cross-border surveillance, early warning, and early response system along member state borders. This component of the project involves standardizing tools, conducting joint training, and supporting community-based surveillance systems—particularly in areas experiencing active outbreaks of mpox and  Marburg virus. The project aims to establish One Health cross-border surveillance teams and strengthen a digital data repository. It also aims to enhance emergency response capabilities and standard operating procedures among One Health personnel while fostering cross-border collaboration, including by strengthening Public Health Emergency Operations Centers in areas with active outbreaks. A regional service package for national points of entry is planned, along with PPR and risk communication strategies that address the needs of marginalized populations. The project will further develop behaviorally informed, community-driven early warning systems and response protocols.
  2. Strengthening laboratories’ ability to detect and confirm diseases with epidemic potential. This component of the project involves assessing and upgrading laboratories' diagnostic and interoperable information management capabilities. It also aims to develop a cross-border laboratory network to enhance collaboration and create a regional biosafety and biosecurity strategy. The project plans to support individual countries in adapting and adopting these standards to ensure a cohesive and effective regional approach.
  3. Strengthening the cross-border workforce capacity with effective community engagement. A regional assessment of stakeholders, systems, and worker capacity will guide this component of the project. Activities within this component include rolling out cross-border trainings, readiness packages, minimum requirements, standard operating procedures, and community engagement strategies. They also include working with cross-border stakeholders such as trade representatives to co-design preparedness and response efforts. Additionally, this project will facilitate timely early warning information for communities and frontline workers in areas experiencing active outbreaks of mpox and Marburg virus and establish two-way feedback mechanisms to address community-level concerns and questions.
  4. Promoting inclusive, sustainable PPR through advocacy and coordination. This work focuses on operationalizing a regional, multisectoral coordination platform for PPR and establishing a strategic advisory group. The goal is to highlight key events, research findings, and policy developments that can scale best practices and drive resource mobilization. To improve operational coordination, the project will conduct stock-takes and establish interagency program management structures. This work also includes mapping multi-agency working groups to increase technical alignment, rolling out standards and tools for evidence collection and analysis, and fostering cross-border, multisectoral, and multi-stakeholder preparedness efforts.

As the project’s sole IE, the WHO provides technical oversight and operational coordination.

Expected outcomes

Through its range of planned activities across the IGAD region, the PREPARE project aims to contain the active mpox outbreak while bolstering the region’s core PPR capabilities for long-term health security. It expects to: 

  1. Strengthen cross-border surveillance and early warning systems by expanding community-based surveillance, conducting joint training, and enhancing emergency response capabilities, with an immediate focus on areas experiencing active outbreaks.
  2. Enhance laboratory systems with robust diagnostic and confirmation capabilities and establish a network of cross-border laboratories to improve disease detection and response.
  3. Build regional workforce capacity through harmonized training programs and guidance, as well as robust community engagement to co-develop preparedness and response efforts.
  4. Advance inclusive, sustainable PPR by fostering multisectoral coordination platforms, policies, and programs.

For general inquiries: the_pandemic_fund@worldbank.org

  • Region
    Project Regions
  • Location
    Project Countries
    Djibouti Ethiopia Kenya Sudan Somalia South Sudan Uganda
  • Building
    Regional Entity
    Regional Entity Projects
  • Building
    Implementing Entity
    Implementing Entity
  • Funding
    Amount Approved (US$) $31,934,205
  • Funding
    Total Co-financing
    (in kind & in cash) (US$)
  • Funding
    Total Co-investment
    (in kind & in cash) (US$)