African woman in white shirt, wears glasses and a stethoscope around her neck
Project to Strengthen the Fight Against Pandemics in Chad


Chad was awarded US$24.5 million from the Pandemic Fund to implement International Health Regulations (IHR) by end-2027 and strengthen the country’s fight against pandemics. The grant catalyzed an additional US$15.6 million in co-financing and US$14.5 million in co-investment. 

In recent years, Chad has become a refuge for hundreds of thousands of people fleeing violence in Sudan. Despite facing significant challenges, Chad has shown remarkable resilience by providing sanctuary and support to those in need while working to strengthen its public health infrastructure. However, the country’s health system was already under strain due to shortages of qualified health workers, equipment, and medicines, compounded by a series of epidemics over the past decade, including chikungunya, yellow fever, measles, dengue fever, cholera, and Covid-19. Furthermore, the effects of climate change and an economic slowdown have added additional layers of complexity for Chadian officials.

Leading the project is the Ministry of Public Health and Prevention of Chad, supported by the Ministry of the Environment and the Ministry of Livestock and Animal Production. The project’s Implementing Entities (IEs) are the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), UNICEF, and the World Health Organization (WHO). Additional partners include GAVI, the Global Fund, NGO BASE, and the Red Cross of Chad. 

Project objectives

With the Pandemic Fund grant, Chad aims to bolster its health system and implement the latest IHR by the end of 2027. 

Implementation arrangements and key components

Chad’s project aligns closely with the Pandemic Fund’s three priorities: surveillance, laboratory systems, and workforce development. Activities within each area include:  

  1. Surveillance of public health threats across the human, animal, and environmental health sectors. This outcome relies on the successful implementation of an early warning system, effective event verification and investigation, robust analysis and information sharing, continuous capacity at the country’s points of entry, and strong border security and quarantine capabilities. It also includes a comprehensive approach to zoonotic disease surveillance and diligent monitoring of antimicrobial use and antimicrobial resistance.
  2. Laboratory capacity to fight epidemics, as well as emerging and re-emerging diseases. Key activities include the establishment and maintenance of a sample reference and transport system, enhancing laboratory quality and testing capabilities, and developing an effective national diagnostic network. The project aims to establish a government-wide biosecurity and biosafety system for human, animal, and agricultural facilities, complemented by training programs on biosafety and biosecurity across all relevant sectors.
  3. One Health workers ready and able to support public health prevention, early detection, and rapid response.  This work encompasses the development of a multisectoral workforce strategy, targeted worker training programs, and the capacity to quickly deploy additional personnel during public health crises. Ensuring adequate staffing within veterinary services and equipping veterinarians and veterinary paraprofessionals with the necessary skills are essential components of this area of focus.

Expected outcomes

With the Pandemic Fund grant and the support of its project partners, Chad expects to:

  • Enhance cross-border surveillance and early warning systems for faster detection and response to health threats.
  • Strengthen laboratory systems to improve diagnostic capabilities for diseases with epidemic potential.
  • Build cross-border workforce capacity to respond to health emergencies using the One Health approach.
  • Improve regional coordination for effective pandemic preparedness and response.

For general inquiries:

  • Region
    Project Regions
  • Location
    Project Countries
  • Building
    Implementing Entities
    Implementing Entity
  • Funding
    Amount Approved (US$) $24,518,526.78
  • Funding
    Total Co-financing
    (in kind & in cash) (US$)
  • Funding
    Total Co-investment
    (in kind & in cash) (US$)