Principal Image
Caucasian woman with short brown hair, wearing glasses and a black blazer, looks into the camera
Principal Name
Fleur Davies
Principal Description

Fleur has more than two decades experience in foreign policy, international development, and global partnerships leadership roles.  As Assistant Secretary of DFAT’s Multilateral Health Branch, she leads Australia’s efforts to strengthen global health architecture, and is responsible for partnerships with WHO, Global Fund, Gavi, UNAIDS and the Pandemic Fund. Fleur is Australia’s representative on the Pandemic Fund Governing Board, as an alternate member of the Japan-Korea-Australia-Singapore Constituency. Fleur has been Australia’s representative on the Board since May 2023. Previously Fleur was Assistant Secretary in the Office of the Pacific from 2019 to 2022, and managed Australia’s bilateral relationships with Timor-Leste, New Zealand, and Polynesian and Micronesian countries.  From 2015 to 2018 Fleur coordinated Australia’s high‑impact development partnerships with Indonesia as Minister-Counsellor at the Australian Embassy in Jakarta.  In previous roles Fleur led Australia’s engagement on UN development and humanitarian issues as Counsellor (Development) at the Australian Mission to the United Nations in New York; and managed Australian aid programs in Cambodia and Papua New Guinea.  Her qualifications include a Master of Legal Studies (International Law), Master of Business Administration, and an honours degree in agricultural science.

Principal Title
Assistant Secretary, Multilateral Health Branch, Global Health Division Department of Foreign and Trade, Australia
Daiho Fujii Bio Deputy Vice Minister for International Affairs, Ministry of Finance, Japan
Jiyoung Choi Bio Deputy Director General, International Finance Bureau, Ministry of Economy and Finance, Korea
Derrick Heng Bio Deputy Director-General of Health (Public Health), Ministry of Health, Singapore
Voting Type
Voting Member