Principal Image
Woman wearing a white shirt and long necklace, with shoulder-length brown hair, smiles into the camera
Member Place
Principal Name
Francesca Manno
Principal Description

Currently Director in the International Financial Relations Department at the Italian Treasury, Ministry of Economy and Finance, in charge of global public goods and innovative financing (AMCs and IFFIm). 

In her career at the Ministry she has held various other positions, working on Multilateral Development Banks, IMF and G7-G20 issues. 

She has a long experience in multilateral development cooperation and International Financial Institutions, having served in some of their Executive Boards, including the Inter-American Development Bank, the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank. She is currently representing Italy in the Boards of the Gavi Alliance and the Pandemic Fund.

She has an academic background in political science and international law.

Principal Title
Director, Department of International Finance Relations, Ministry of Economy and Finance, Italy
Eleonora Mei Bio Economic and Financial Analyst, Ministry of Economy and Finance
Voting Type
Voting Member