Principal Image
Causian man looks directly into camera, against a cream background
Member Place
Principal Name
Wolfram Morgenroth-Klein
Principal Description

Dr. Wolfram Morgenroth-Klein

Age                       59
born on                5 July 1964
in                           Birkenfeld, Germany
Nationality:          German
Marital status:     married
                              one daughter 
Address:               Berlin, Germany 

Professional background

2020                     Head of division Pandemic Prevention, Pandemic Preparedness and One Health

2014-2019            Head of division India, South Asia

2011-2014            Head of division fundamental principles, innovations. 

2010-2011            Member of the BMZ’s working group responsible for the merger of the (new) GIZ (Task force for implementation structure reform) 

2003-2010            Deputy head of division and desk officer, BMZ, Bonn, Division 223 (Regional devel­opment policy, Central America, Caribbean), desk officer for Nicaragua and Latin American affairs.

2000-2003            Head of cooperation at the German embassy in La Paz, Bolivia

1998-2000            Desk officer at the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), Bonn, Germany, in the division for environ­mental policy. Responsibilities included climate protection policy and the Global Environment Facility.

1994-1998            Doctoral thesis (PhD) at Freiburg and Rostock Universities; Mercosur: Economic integration, entrepreneurs and labor unions) Graded "A" (magna cum laude) and short term expert for GIZ 

1991-1993            Junior professional at Friedrich Ebert Founda­tion in Uruguay


1990-1991            Trainee at IDOS (German Institute of Development and Sustainability)

Feb 1989              M.A., Grade A. Subjects: political science (major), eco­nomics and German language and literature

1982-1989            University studies in  Freiburg, Germany; Glasgow, Scotland (one-year scholarship); and Heidelberg, Germany

1970-1982            Primary and secondary education in Spain, Germany and Chile.   


Spanish and English                   fluent

French and Portuguese              good

Publications  (not a full list)
  1. u. 1a)  with Messner, Dirk et al., Weltmarktorientierung und Aufbau von Wett­bewerbsvorteilen in Chile. Das Beispiel Holzwirtschaft, DIE, Berlin 1991 (Hacia la competitividad industrial en Chile, Berlin 1992)

  2. Chile: Exporte auf dem Holzweg – Ökologische Gefahren der Forstwirt­schaft und der holzverarbeitenden Industrie, in: Lateinamerika-Nachrichten, 11/1991, pp. 75-78

  3. Uruguay: Reformen im Schneckentempo. Die Reformpolitik der Regie­rung Lacalle, in: Blätter des IZ3W No. 189, Freiburg, May/June 1993, pp. 45-49

  4. Los uruguayos y el medio ambiente. Una visión crítica, in: Inst. de Co­municación y Desarrollo (ed.), Medio Ambiente en el Uruguay, Montevideo 1993, pp. 39-49

  5. Interview mit Mario Benedetti, in: U. Brand (ed.): Argentinien und Uru­guay, Reise-Handbuch, pp. 268-270 and 63-64

  6. Der Mercosur. Wirtschaftliche Integration, Unternehmer und Gewerk­schaften, Freiburger Beiträge zu Entwicklung u. Politik, vol. 22, Arnold Bergstraesser Institute, Freiburg 1996

  7. El Mercosur. Empresarios y sindicatos frente a los desafíos del proceso de integración (comprehensive update of the publication),  Nueva Sociedad, Caracas 2000

  8. Bolivia's poverty reduction strategy – model or problem?, D+C 7/2003, pp. 25-29.   

  9. Bolivien – Ende eines Modells?, Brennpunkt Lateinamerika, No. 21, Nov. 2003

  10. Donor harmonisation: New approaches for Bolivia and Nicaragua, D+C 2/2005, pp. 28-29

  11. Steuergerechtigkeit in Lateinamerika, E+Z 3/2007, S. 121-123
    Fair taxes for Latin America, D+C 3/2007, 121-123.
  12. Author and Editor-in-chief: Strategy on Development Cooperation with Countries in Latin America and the Caribbean, Strategies 163, Federal Ministry for Cooperation and Development, Germany, February 2008 (published in German, Spanish and English)

  13. Author and Editor-in-chief: Latin America Dossier. German Development Cooperation with Latin America and the Caribbean, Topics 184,  Federal Ministry for Cooperation and Development, Germany, 12/2007 (published in German, Spanish and English)

  14. „Deutsche ODA. Kein Fortschritt ohne Indien“ E+Z,  11/2017, 18-20;    /  „German ODA. No Progress without India“,  D+C, 11/2017, 18-20.

  15. „On the way to global pandemic preparedness”, D+C 6/2023, 12-13; 
    „Auf dem Weg zu globaler Vorsorge”, E+Z 6/2023, 12-13.
Principal Title
Head of Division, Prevention and Pandemic Preparedness, One Health; Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), Germany
Alicia Longthorne Bio Senior Policy Officer, Global Health Policy Division, Federal Ministry of Health (BMG), Germany
Voting Type
Voting Member