Principal Image
Man wearing glasses and a gray suit, stands in front of a modern mirror
Member Type
Principal Name
Chatib Basri
Principal Description

Dr. Muhamad Chatib Basri, a former Minister of Finance of Indonesia and former Chairman of the Indonesian Investment Coordinating Board. He currently serves as the Co-Chair of the Pandemic Fund. 

Dr. Basri is now the Chairman of the PT Bank Mandiri tbk. and also Chairman of the PT XL-Axiata tbk. 

He is also a member of numerous International Advisory councils including the World Bank Advisory Council on Gender and Development, the Independent High-Level Expert Group on Climate Finance for COP27 and 28, and the Climate Overshoot Comission. He also sits on the Governing Board of the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, National University of Singapore. 

In addition to his various leadership positions, Dr Basri teaches at the Department of Economics University of Indonesia and co-founded CReco Research, an economic consulting firm based in Jakarta. 

Dr. Basri was Ash Centre Senior Fellow at the Harvard Kennedy School (2015- 2016), Pacific Leadership Fellow at the Centre on Global Transformation, University of California at San Diego (2016), NTUC Professor of International Economic Relation, RSIS, NTU, Singapore (2016) and Thee Kian Wie Distinguished Visiting Professor at the Australian National University (2016- 2017).

His expertise is International Trade, Macroeconomics and Political Economy. He is the author of a number of papers in international journals and actively writes for various leading newspaper and magazines in Indonesia.

Principal Title
Former Minister of Finance, Indonesia
Voting Type
Voting Member