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Daniela Belen Garone
TAP Expert

Dr Daniela Garone is a Medical doctor from Argentina, specialized in infectious diseases, internal medicine and clinical and pharmacological research. Daniela has more than 25 years working in the clinical field and 16 years of experience managing medical programs in resource limited settings working with international Organization in Zimbabwe, Mozambique, India, Venezuela, Brazil, Malawi, South Sudan and South Africa. She has more than 20 years of experience working in clinical, pharmacological and operational research as study coordinator as well as principal investigator. She has also always sought to integrate operational research into the clinical service delivery elements of her work in resource-limited settings to further extend the impact and efficiency of health services.

Dr Garone is a serving HIV Expert member in the Technical Review Panel (TRP) at The Global Fund, she has participated in different TRP working groups including the GF Strategic Initiatives. She is also a reviewer of the JAIDS-AIDS,BMC-Lancet-TB union and others.

Dr Garone is a member of the ICG for Ebola, Meningitis, Cholera and Yellow Fever, at the GFTCC SCOM, GOARN SCOM, Humanitarian Buffer as well as different working groups for disease elimination.

Dr Garone is always looking to acquire the necessary skills and qualification to perform her best in her responsibility toward high quality outcomes that can improve patients health and well-being.

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