Bio Image
Man with beard, wearing a long shirt with a traditional African design, smiles into the camera
TAP Expert

Tian Johnson is a queer African activist and founder of the African Alliance.

The Alliance seeks to advance rights-based programming to address the needs of intentionally underserved African communities. African Alliance achieves this by ensuring that affected communities are informed about their rights, have access to dignified health care, and have the agency and access to hold duty bearers accountable for the non-realisation of these rights. 

During the COVID pandemic, Tian emerged as a leading voice for the decolonisation of global health and was appointed to the South African Ministerial Advisory Committee on COVID-19 vaccines and Vaccine Hesitancy. At the invitation of Dr. John N. Nkengasong (then the head of Africa CDC), Tian served as co-chair of the Community Engagement and Risk Communication Pillar of the African CDC's African Vaccine Delivery Alliance (AVDA). 

They also serve as the International Civil Society Observer of the Robert Carr Fund, the world's leading international fund focused on funding regional and global networks led by and involving inadequately served populations for improved health, inclusion, and well-being, is Chair of the Africa chapter of the Peoples Vaccine Alliance and the Co-Principal Investigator (Community) for the BRILLIANT HIV Vaccine Discovery Consortium

Tian remains committed to ensuring that meaningful and authentic community engagement is entrenched in pandemic prevention, preparedness, and response work at national, regional, and global levels.  
and truly leaving no one behind. 

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