Principal Image
Headshot of woman with dark hair
Member Type
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Principal Name
Serina Ng
Principal Description

Serina is Executive Head of the G20 Joint Finance-Health Task Force Secretariat, housed in the WHO.  Prior to taking on this role in June 2023, she was Deputy Director for Global Issues and Governance at HM Treasury, UK where she led global policy and the G7/G20 team. In Global Health, she led UK vaccines and therapeutics spending and policy during Covid-19, established HM Treasury’s Global Health capability, and delivered the Joint Finance and Health G7 Chair’s Statement on AMR in 2021 under the UK’s G7 Presidency. She has extensive policy delivery experience in the intersection of public and private finance, climate and development, having led the UK’s COP26 Finance Day policy in 2021, headed the Private Sector Department in DFID (now FCDO), as  private sector adviser for the Green Climate Fund. Prior to joining the Civil Service in 2009, she had a long-established international career in private finance, including as a partner in a start up investment advisory firm taken to public listing, in senior roles at Nomura International and at Prudential/M&G Investment Management as an investment professional managing flagship pension and investment funds.   

She is a CFA charter holder and holds a BSc in Politics, Philosophy and Economics, an MSc in Environmental Economics and a Diploma in International Development. 

Principal Title
Executive Head, G20 Joint Finance-Health Task Force Secretariat
Voting Type