Principal Image
Man wearing a blue suit and glasses, looks into camera
Member Type
Principal Name
Jean Kaseya
Principal Description

H.E Dr. Jean Kaseya, a Congolese Medical Doctor with advanced degrees in Epidemiology and Community Health, was appointed Director-General of the Africa Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (Africa-CDC) during the 36th African Union Summit of Heads of State and Government in February 2023.

H.E Dr. Jean Kaseya brings to this position over 25 years of expertise in the field of public health, having held pivotal roles both at the national and international levels with various organizations from the private sector, philanthropies, and bi and multilateral development partners.

Before assuming his role as Director-General of Africa CDC, H.E Dr. Jean Kaseya had a distinguished career, holding multiple significant roles.

At the national level, Dr. Kaseya has been entrusted with significant responsibilities, contributing his expertise to the health initiatives of his home country. These roles have included serving as a Senior Adviser to President Laurent Desire Kabila at a ministerial level, where he played a vital role in shaping healthcare policies and strategies. Additionally, he has taken on roles such as the Head of Routine Immunization within the National Expanded Programme on Immunization, showcasing his dedication to enhancing healthcare delivery at the grassroots level. On the international stage, he has worked with prominent organisations such as UNICEF, Gavi, CHAI, and the World Health Organization, where he has been instrumental in driving forward various health initiatives of continental significance.

As the Director-General of Africa-CDC, H.E Dr. Jean Kaseya oversees the organisation's fundamental political, strategic, and technical functions. At the forefront of his agenda is his commitment to advancing a transformative "New Deal" for Africa CDC, with the primary objective of strengthening health security across the continent by implementing the New Public Health order for Africa. This undertaking involves establishing sustainable and innovative financing mechanisms, enhancing robust governance structures, cultivating technical expertise, building resilient health systems, and preparing the continent for any public health threat and the next pandemic.

Dr. Kaseya is a devoted family man and a proud father of three daughters who loves African music and cuisine.

Principal Title
Director General
Voting Type