Principal Image
Caucasian man without hair, wearing red glasses and a green polo shirt, smiles into the camera
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Principal Name
Magnus Lindelow
Principal Description

Magnus Lindelow is the Global Program Lead for Pandemic Prevention, Preparedness, and Response and Public Health at World Bank. In this capacity, he oversees a team in the global unit and is the corporate focal point on the PPR and public health agenda for the Bank. He also leads the Bank's Flagship Training Program on Health System Reform and Sustainable Financing. Previously, Magnus worked for the World Bank in Africa, East Asia, and Latin America in different roles, including as Country Sector Coordinator in South-East Asia, Program Leader for Human Development in Brazil, and, most recently, as Practice Manager for Health, Nutrition and Population in East and Southern Africa (2015-2019) and West and Central Africa (2019-2023). In his most recent roles, Magnus has overseen large operational portfolios, covering health system strengthening, performance-based financing, maternal and child health, nutrition, health emergency preparedness, and women and girls' empowerment, and was closely involved in the conception, establishment, and operationalization of the Pandemic Fund. He holds a DPhil degree in Economics from Oxford University and has published books, research articles, and reports on health system reform, service delivery, impact of health sector programs, distributional issues in the health sector, public finance, service delivery, poverty, and other topics.   

Principal Title
Global Program Lead for Pandemic PPR and Public Health
Voting Type