Principal Image
Woman in a black blazer, wearing glasses, stands crossing her arms and wearing a microphone
Member Type
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Principal Name
Erika Placella
Principal Description

Erika Placella received her Master degree in History of Medicine at the University of Geneva. She completed her education with a specialization in Public Health and various additional trainings, including at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health and ICRC/WHO.

Erika Placella has over 22 years of experience in public health and global health. She is currently the Head of Health at the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC).

Before joining the SDC, Ms Placella worked for various medical and public health organisations in Africa, Asia and the Middle East, in the field of zoonoses, sexual, reproductive and child health, food security/safety and NCDs (including mental health). 

Ms Placella has a thorough understanding and knowledge of health trends, health reforms, health systems and related challenges, with a focus on primary healthcare and prevention and control of major NCDs, in Africa, Asia, and Eastern Europe and Central Asia.

Ms Placella leads the development of health at SDC, as well as global initiatives aiming at contributing to major health challenges, including global health governance issues. 

Ms Placella also provides health policy and policy influencing guidance and contributes to positioning the SDC/Switzerland in global health debates. 

Principal Title
Head of Health, Federal Department of Foreign Affairs
Voting Type