Principal Name
Mouhamed Konate
Principal Description

Mohamed Konate is a career diplomat who began his career 20 years ago in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Senegal, where he served as Head of the Africa Division (2004–2006) and then as Senior Adviser to the Permanent Mission of Senegal to the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) in Paris (2006–2011).

Between 2012 and 2017, Mr. Konate served as Program Specialist in charge of Political and Cooperation Affairs in the West Africa Regional Office (Lomé, Togo) of the Organisation Internationale de la Francophonie (OIF) before joining the OIF’s Permanent Representation to the European Union in Brussels as Chargé de Mission for Political Affairs and Democratic Governance (2017–2022).

Mr. Konate was called upon to join the office of Senegal’s Minister of Finance and Budget, where he has served as Staff Director and Diplomatic Adviser since November 2022. His responsibilities include monitoring relations with international, bilateral, and multilateral partners, including the IMF and the World Bank Group.

Mr. Konate has expertise in diplomacy, international negotiations, international cooperation, international financing, policy analysis, strategic planning, and intercultural management.

He is a graduate of the Gaston Berger University of Saint-Louis (Masters in Geography), the Ecole Nationale d’Administration of Senegal (Section Diplomatique) and the Ecole Nationale d'Administration of France (Public Administration, international cycle; Diplomacy and International Relations option).

Principal Title
Chief of Staff, Ministry of Finance
Barnabé Gning Bio Director General, Minister of Health
Voting Type
Voting Member