Grandmother holds child and spoon feeds her
Announcement | April 12, 2024
CLOSED | Public Consultation on the Pandemic Fund’s Draft Medium-term Strategic Plan


Following the recent Stocktaking Review, the Pandemic Fund has prepared a Strategic Plan to define its impact ambition and guide its funding priorities for the medium term (2024-2029). Through the Strategic Plan, the Pandemic Fund describes its path forward as it focuses its resources to support and reinforce capacity building and implementation of pandemic prevention, preparedness, and response (PPR) under the International Health Regulations (2005) and other internationally endorsed legal frameworks, consistent with a One Health approach, working in close collaboration with partner organizations. 

Central to the Pandemic Fund's vision is a world where communities are protected from future pandemics, and active engagement of diverse groups is critical for effective, inclusive, and sustainable pandemic PPR. The draft Strategic Plan has already benefited from extensive consultations and inputs gathered from over 400 stakeholders, including Governing Board members and their constituencies, co-investor countries, Technical Advisory Panel (TAP) members, Implementing Entities, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), community and civil society representatives, academia, research and training institutions, multisectoral stakeholders (ministries of health, livestock, agriculture, finance, and others), and the private sector through an open survey, workshops, focus group discussions, and interviews carried out over the past 5 months. The Pandemic Fund now seeks further comments and feedback on this document, as it is refined.  

The document will be open for public comment for a two-week period, until 8:00am ET on Monday, April 29, 2024. When providing feedback, please direct comments to: and explicitly indicate to which section of the draft your feedback pertains (e.g., Section 2.2 - Description of Programmatic Priorities). Note that written responses to feedback will not be provided by the Secretariat or the Strategy Committee and, while all comments will be reviewed, not all perspectives may be incorporated into the final Strategic Plan. 

To help ensure transparency and accountability of the consultation process, all feedback received will be made publicly available on this page, unless there is a specific request to keep it confidential.

Please find the draft Strategic Plan here.


We are grateful for your feedback on the Pandemic Fund’s draft Medium-term Strategic Plan. The comment period is now closed. To help ensure the transparency and accountability of our consultation process, all feedback received has been made publicly available on this page, unless there was a specific request to keep it confidential. The Pandemic Fund has reviewed all of the comments and recommendations we received and many of them have been incorporated into the draft Strategic Plan.  Please note that we will not be able to provide written responses to specific inputs. 


Comment Contributors:


Access to Medicine Foundation 


Africa Frontline First 

Coalition of Advocates for Global Health and Pandemic Preparedness 


Four Paws International 

German Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development 

Global Public Investment Network 

The International Association of National Public Health Institutes 

International Organization for Migration 

Mayur Sharma 

The Palladium Group 

Pandemic Action Network 

Phoenix Zones Initiative 

Resolve to Save Lives 


Uniting to Combat Neglected Tropical Diseases 

Women in Global Health 

World Health Organization 

World Health Organization Nepal 



Last Updated: February 21, 2025