Announcement | October 19, 2022
CLOSED | Call for Experts to Serve on the Technical Advisory Panel of the Pandemic Prevention, Preparedness, and Response Financial Intermediary Fund


The Technical Advisory Panel (TAP) is an advisory panel to the Governing Board (hereinafter “Board”) of the Pandemic Prevention, Preparedness, and Response Financial Intermediary Fund (“PPR FIF”). The TAP will provide independent advice to the Board on critical gaps in pandemic PPR, funding priorities and calls for proposals, as well review of funding proposals submitted to the PPR FIF, in line with the principles for evaluating submissions approved by the Board. In this way, the TAP can support the PPR FIF with its goal of financing projects and activities that help strengthen capacity building and implementation of PPR under the International Health Regulations (IHR) (2005) and other internationally endorsed legal frameworks, consistent with a One Health approach. The TAP will comprise a multidisciplinary pool of up to 20 experts, bringing a diverse range of independent technical and financial expertise relevant to PPR FIF-supported projects and activities. For further details, please see the PPR FIF Governance Framework and the Terms of Reference of the TAP, approved by the Board.

Functions of the TAP:

In line with the overall purpose of the TAP, the key functions of TAP experts will be to:

a) Assess the technical merits of Funding Proposals submitted for PPR FIF-financing, based on a set of agreed criteria and a proposal scoring system approved by the Board; evaluate and prioritize Funding Proposals; after each round of a Call for Proposals, provide an analysis of the lessons learned from the review of the Funding Proposals, including recommendations for the Secretariat, the Implementing Entities, and the Governing Board;

b) Provide technical inputs on the needs and prioritization for PPR FIF funding, and the priorities and requirements for Calls for Proposals, including by providing summaries for the Board on pandemic PPR status, priorities and gaps based on existing landscape analyses and studies, such as the Joint External Evaluations (JEE), State Parties Annual Reviews (SPARs), after action reviews, and other reports on the implementation of IHR (2005) and other internationally endorsed legal frameworks, including reports and evaluations produced by international organizations and academic scientific organization

Expertise needed:

Collectively, TAP experts will possess strong expertise across the full set of technical areas in which the PPR FIF will operate, including scientific, programmatic, operational, systems and structural contexts of PPR and of what it takes to build resilient health and community systems and strengthen IHR (2005) core capacities for PPR, particularly in the following key areas: (i) disease surveillance; (ii) laboratory systems; (iii) health workforce capacities, including community health workers; (iv) health emergency management; (v) emergency care; (vi) infection prevention and control; (vii) risk communication, and community leadership and engagement; (viii) zoonotic diseases and One Health approaches; (ix) medical countermeasures readiness; and (x) how to build PPR capacities in a manner that contributes to strengthening health systems.

Key areas of expertise that the TAP will encompass include:

  • Developing, implementing, managing, evaluating and/or reviewing PPR programs in International Development Association (IDA) and International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) countries and/or regional level.
  • Economics and financing, including in assessing strategic investments, value for money and sustainability in the review of funding proposals, as well as in innovative financing mechanisms, partnerships, health finance, and market-shaping.
  • Knowledge of the latest scientific evidence, up-to-date international guidelines and normative guidance, including new developments, approaches, good practices, and technologies for strengthening PPR.
  • Assessing expected results/impacts of funding proposals and in monitoring and evaluating programs in IDA and IBRD countries, preferably in the context of PPR programming.
  • Gender equality, human rights, and equity.

Additionally, individual experts shall possess the following skills and attributes required to carry out the TAP’s roles and responsibilities, including:

  • Proven experience and ability to assess the appropriate mix of interventions and choices on prioritization for maximum impact, and program quality, effectiveness and efficiency.
  • Proven experience and ability to review programmatic plans and funding proposals and associated documentation presented in English and ability to articulate and communicate effectively in writing (in English) the outcomes of reviews, complex results, and lessons learned; knowledge of other World Bank official languages will be an added advantage.
  • The highest standards of professional integrity.
  • An ability to work effectively with colleagues from diverse backgrounds.
  • Preferably, practical experience in working on PPR in IDA and IBRD countries, including with governments, civil society, and other partners.

It may be noted that, in forming the TAP, the Board will give consideration to the following: i) an adequate distribution of technical and financial expertise across sectors, such as governments, academia, civil society and communities engaged in pandemic PPR, including One Health, multidisciplinary research, implementation, and other relevant expertise; ii) geographical balance; iii) a balance between representatives from low-income, middle-income, and high-income countries; iv) gender balance; and v) other relevant diversity considerations.

Submitting your expression of interest:

To register your interest in being considered for the PPR FIF TAP, please submit the following documents by 3 November 2022 to using the subject line “Expression of interest for the PPR FIF TAP”:

  • A cover letter, indicating your motivation to apply and how you satisfy the selection criteria. Please note that if selected, membership will be in a personal capacity
  • Your curriculum vitae

Only complete applications received by 11:59PM ET on Thursday, 3 November 2022 will be considered.

For further information on the purpose, structure and functioning of the TAP, as well as the selection process and conditions of appointment, please refer to the Terms of Reference of the TAP.

If you have any questions about this “Call for experts”, please write to well before the deadline.


*Originally published:


Last Updated: May 14, 2024