Financing Pandemic Preparedness: The Urgency for Collective Action
- When
September 19, 2023
- Time
17:45 - 19:00 New York (ET)
- Where
New York, United States of America
- Contact
Taking place on the eve of the High-Level Meeting on Pandemic Preparedness, Prevention and Response (HLM on PPPR), this event will mark the Fund’s achievements in its first year, while underscoring the need to maintain the momentum and the urgency to scale up pandemic PPR investments in low- and middle-income countries.
Partnerships and collective action are critical in making the world safer from future health threats. Speakers will discuss opportunities to do things differently. Furthermore, the event will showcase some of the projects that have been selected for funding by the Pandemic Fund under the first Call for Proposals, highlighting how grants from the Pandemic Fund are helping to catalyze long-term, predictable funding that is coordinated across organizations with similar goals and to strengthen much-needed capacity at country, regional and global levels.
Join us as we bring together leaders in global health and ministers of health and finance; high-level representatives from philanthropies and foundations, Multilateral Development Banks (MDBs), UN agencies and global health institutions; and representatives from the private sector.
The Pandemic Fund is hosting this high-level event in partnership with the World Health Organization (WHO), on the margins of the United Nations General Assembly in New York.
Welcome byPriya Basu Executive Head, the Pandemic Fund Secretariat, World Bank
Remarks byAjay Banga President of the World Bank
Remarks byJanet Yellen United States Secretary of the Treasury
Remarks byTedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus Director General, WHO
Ministerial roundtableAla Nemerenco Minister of Health, MoldovaNisia Trindade Minister of Health, BrazilLyonpo Dechen Wangmo Minister of Health, Bhutan
Remarks byErica Gerretsen Director of Human Development, Migration, Governance & Peace, DG International Partnerships, EU Commission
Panel discussion: Leveraging partnerships to strengthen pandemic preparedness and responseSabin Nsanzimana Minister of Health, Rwanda & Co-Chair of the Pandemic Fund Governing BoardFrank Anthony Minister of Health, GuyanaSvenja Schulze Federal Minister for Economic Cooperation and Development, GermanyBudi Gunadi Sadikin Minister of Health IndonesiaJoy Phumaphi Former Minister of Health of Botswana & Co-Chair of the Global Preparedness Monitoring Board
Interventions from the floorChrysoula Zacharopoulou Minister of State for Development, Francophonie and International PartnershipsZahid Maleque Minister of Health and Family Welfare, BangladeshHJamoliddin Abdullozoda Minister of Health and Social Protection of Population, TajikistanBeth Dunford Vice President of Agriculture, Human and Social Development, African Development BankDanny Alexander Vice President for Policy and Strategy, Asian Infrastructure Investment BankElisha Dunn-Georgiou President & CEO, Global Health Council & The Pandemic Fund Board Member
Closing remarks byPriya Basu Executive Head of the Pandemic Fund Secretariat, World Bank